Kaski Modernized Academy
“Kaski Modernized Academy” a reputed and well established English medium school in Pokhara is seeking some young energetic, professional and experienced candidates for the posts mentioned below.
IT Officer
Qualification: Bachelor in IT
Experience: 2 yrs
Hostel Warden (M)
Qualification: Bachelor in any stream (priority in math/Sci)
Experience: 2 yrs
- Candidates should present him/herself with application and CV along with all necessary testimonials up to 32nd Shrawan
- Procedure of selection: Immediate Interview + Performance Test
Kaski Modernized Academy
BP Marg, Chauthe, Pokhara-14
9846023643, 9856021299, 061-589007, 589008
Source: Samadhan News, 14 August 2023