Website Helvetas Nepal
Reintegration of Returnee Migrant Workers (ReMi) Project, Phase I
Reintegration of Returnee Migrant Workers (ReMi) project is a bilateral initiative of Governments of Nepal and Switzerland. The project contributes to the social and economic reintegration of returnee migrant workers in Nepal. The project is implemented by Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security; provincial line ministries and local governments in Koshi and Madhesh Provinces (visit https://remi.org.np for more information). Helvetas Nepal as Technical Assistance provider to the project invites applications from committed and experienced Nepali citizens for the following positions:
Finance and Administrative Officer – 1 position(s) – Open for All
Duty Station : ReMi Province Project Support Unit, Madhesh Province
Job Description
Job purpose: The position is overall responsible to:
- Coordinate with line manager to manage all financial, administrative, human resource and logistics management of ReMi PPSU in Madhesh province.
- Follow up on financial budgeting, monitoring and reporting of provincial line-ministry and 10 working local governments in Madhesh province.
- Ensure compliance to all relevant policies and procedures, including of Helvetas Nepal, SDC and Government of Nepal.
- Support Finance & Administration Manager, as required, in human resource management, budgeting, fund flow, financial/audit reports of partners and any other duties.
Compliance to policies, rules/regulations and guidelines
- Adhere to relevant policies, procedures, regulations, and guidelines of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation (Code of Conduct; National Personnel Regulations-Nepal; Finance Manual; Security Response Guide; Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Guide; Mobbing, Sexual Harassment & Abuse of Authority; Code of Conduct Against Corruption etc.) and other specific policies applicable for ReMi.
- Support to ensure compliance of all the terms and conditions agreed between HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Nepal and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Roles and Responsibilities
Specific roles and responsibilities of this position include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Finance and Administration Management
- Contribute to smooth daily operations and administrative management of the project in Madhesh Province.
- Support ReMi team to ensure compliance and adherence to internal control systems in accordance with auditing standards and to mitigate financial risk.
- Manage logistic and administrative aspects at province level, including but not limited to support for organizing trainings, meetings, and events.
- Lead on the local procurement of goods and services at province level.
- Maintain inventory of all office assets and equipment, including periodic update and verification in Madhesh Province.
- Manage vehicle movement management, logbook check, vehicle repair/maintenance in Madhesh province.
- Support on human resource management including maintenance of leave records, time sheets, medical expenses claims, etc in Madhesh Province.
- Support on safety and security matters.
- Support Finance and Administrative Manager in maintaining a system of effective and efficient administration support for the project according to the rules and regulations of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Nepal.
2. Monitoring Partner Financial Management
- Collaborate with project teams and support to develop yearly plan of operation for respective partners/provincial line ministries and local governments.
- Assist Partners, provincial line ministries and local governments in the capacity building on financial management, fiscal decentralization/intergovernmental fiscal transfer and fiduciary risk management including that of the ReMi financial reporting requirements, fund request process and other contractual obligations.
- Follow up with partners, provincial line ministries and local governments regarding fund flow, reporting and auditing requirements.
- Support on fund reconciliation in coordination with respective government spending units and DTCOs/PTCO.
- Receive and keep track of the annual audit reports for each partner, provincial line ministries and local governments, compile, and report to the PSU Finance team for follow up on the audit recommendations.
- Support on fund flow to respective partners, provincial line ministries and local governments and collect and review financial reports according to the agreement clauses.
3. Others
- Professionally discharge other mutually agreed tasks assigned by line manager, Finance and Administration manager and PSU finance.
- Perform additional financial tasks which the PSU can delegate in the process of devolution of the financial functions.
Job Requirements
Minimum Education Attainment: Minimum of Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration/ Management, Commerce.
Minimum Professional Experience: Minimum 3 years of working experience in finance/accounting in the similar position preferred in I/NGO. Experience working on Public Financial Management with provincial and local government will be an added advantage.
Required Competencies
- Good understanding of the generally accepted accounting principles and national accounting standards, as well as Tax/VAT rules and regulations.
- Ability to work under pressure and deal with multiple requests, with minimum level of supervision.
- Results-oriented personality with good time management and task prioritization skills.
- Excellent interpersonal, intercultural competencies and team player.
- Good written and oral communication in English and Nepali.
- Commitment towards gender equality, social inclusion, and poverty reduction.
- Proficiency in using office application software, especially MS-Excel and accounting software packages.
Duration: Till 15th July 2026 (with possibility of extension).
Salary and Benefits: As per the rules and regulation of Helvetas Nepal.
Application Procedures: Interested candidates who meet above requirements are requested to visit our website at http://apply.helvetas.org.np and submit application through online portal. Detail job descriptions are available on the website.
Telephonic inquiries and/or attempts to apply undue influence will result in the disqualification of candidates from the selection process. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the selection process. Helvetas Nepal reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons.
Helvetas Nepal promotes workforce diversity and applies positive discrimination to candidates from discriminated groups (women, Dalit, Janajati, Madhesi/Terai, and other minority communities).
Deadline for submission of application: 6th May 2024