Website Centre for Mental Health and Counselling Nepal
The Centre for Mental Health and Counselling – Nepal (CMC-Nepal), a national-level NGO dedicated to promoting mental health and psychosocial well-being, is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity to join our team as a Health Supervisor and Psychosocial Counsellor under the Empowered Women Prosperous Nepal (EWPN) project. The EWPN project, funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), aims to empower women and promote gender equality in Nepal in 10 districts across three provinces—Karnali, Madhesh, and Sudurpachhim. This project focuses on enhancing access to mental health and psychosocial support services for women and girls, particularly those affected by gender-based violence (GBV) and other forms of adversity.
1. Job title: Health Supervisor
Number of positions: 3 (Three)
Location: Madhesh Province, Koshi Province & Karnali Province (Duty Station- Province Capital)
(Applicants are requested to mention your preferred province to work)
Position Overview:
Under the direct supervision of the project coordinator/ health & psychosocial expert, the Health Supervisor is located in Madhesh Province, Koshi Province, and Karnali Province. The incumbent will substantially contribute to the effective implementation of the Empowered Women Prosperous Nepal project activities in the province. S/he bridges the gap between the Field and the Kathmandu team to ensure smooth operation of the project and provide necessary guidance to the field staff (CPSW, Case Managers, Psychosocial Counsellors, Health Care Providers & FCHVs) based in each province/local level to ensure timely and high-quality delivery of EWPN’s programmatic intervention. S\he offers mentoring/ supervision, guidance and support, and further the person in this position will ensure the functional coordination at provincial level for smooth functioning of the project, as well as strengthening health, psychosocial, shelter and other required responses to the GBV survivors.
Duties and responsibilities for the position:
- Facilitate coaching and mentoring support to frontline workers on gender and GBV related issues
- Facilitate training on gender and GBV related issues, and conduct capacity building sessions and training workshops on mental health and psychosocial support for local health care providers workers and female community health volunteers (FCHVs).
- Participate in the regular review and planning meeting with government and or partners as and when necessary and present/ share project activities on monthly/ quarterly basis.
- Work closely with the local level to create policies to prevent and respond to gender based violence and institutionalize mechanism for prevention and response.
- Ensure that all the planned activities are implemented in the project district as per the approved work plan
- In coordination with implementing partners conduct and facilitate periodic coordination meeting at province, district and local level to strengthen referral pathway and coordination mechanism
- Conduct routine and need based monitoring to support data collection on service delivery and activity-based data to send to M&E Unit at Kathmandu office
- Prepare and submit comprehensive field visit report, reports of implemented project intervention in timely manner and in line with required quality standards.
- Stay updated of the OCMC situation, case management and subsequent progress status
- Coordinate with multidisciplinary teams and community stakeholders to ensure holistic support for clients
- Perform any other duties as required by EWPN project coordinator/ health & psychosocial expert
Qualification and experience requirements:
- Master in Public Health, Maser in community/hospital Nursing, MD in obstetrician/gynecologist/MBBS with training and work experience in GBV and/ or related disciplines
- At least two year of relevant field experience in gender-based violence (GBV) response including health response to GBV survivors.
- Demonstrated experience in facilitation, communication and interpersonal skills
- Has strong written and spoken communication skills in English and Nepali language for writing reports
- Client oriented, strong team work and flexible to adapt to challenging work environment.
2. Job title: Psychosocial Counsellor
Number of positions: 9 (Nine)
Location: Dhanusha, Parsa, Saptari, Siraha, Surkhet, Dailekh, Kalikot, Doti and Bajura districts (Applicants are requested to mention your preferred district to work)
Position Overview: The Psychosocial Counselor (PSC) will play a pivotal role in providing trauma-counseling, support, and care to survivors of GBV. The PSCs work closely with a multidisciplinary team, will empower survivors to heal, rebuild their lives, and access the resources they need to live meaningfully. This position offers a unique opportunity to coordinate with local governments, extend support to CPSWs, Case Managers, FCHVs and establish strong communication and network with the health facilities in the EWPN project activity locations. He/ She will be responsible for providing an effective psychosocial service to the survivors of GBV at the OCMC hospitals.
Roles/ Responsibilities:
- Identify and assess physical development, health and other needs for well- being based in the age, mental condition, race, ethnicity etc. by filling up of intake forms.
- Develop and prepare effective GBV response and care plan and strategies for the overall wellbeing, support, and counselling services of the persons in the respective project locations.
- Prepare action plan to meet individual/ family/ group counselling/ case management.Facilitate/ conduct non- discriminatory survivor centric counselling sessions.
- Prepare and suggest for the possible activities which are beneficial for the well-being of the GBV survivors.
- Supervise and work with GBV survivors in individual or group setting to carry out interventions based on the nature of the problem and choosing the best setting that works for the best interest of the survivor.
- Coordinate to make necessary intervention and referrals to respond promptly in sensitive cases which need additional support.
- Assess the client’s overall progress on a regular basis and encourage personal development
- Record and document individual cases and prepare case study and success story regularly.
- Maintain confidentiality and follow the ethics with promotion of survivor-centric learning strategies.
- Identify GBV survivor’s attitude towards the family and community and facilitate to develop positive aspects towards their family and community and support for reintegrating them in the community.
- Deliver OCMC-based psychosocial services and plan for frequent field visits.
- Follow-up for the well-being of the GBV survivors.
- Collect, compile, and prepare a detailed qualitative/ quantitative progress report of the services delivered to GBV survivors to the supervisor on monthly basis
- Support to case managers, CPSWs, & CPSW coordinators as required.
- Coordinate with LGUs and district level stakeholders.
- Any other tasks asked by CMC-Nepal/ supervisor as per need.
Qualification and experience requirements:
- Must have a Bachelor’s degree in any one of the domains such as Psychology, Social Work, Public Health, or Nursing, and be trained on a 6-month psychosocial counselling course under the NHTC or any other recognized professional organization. Candidate with an MA in Psychology/ Counselling Psychology or the one received a PGD course in Counseling Psychology shall apply for the position. Candidate having NHTC 6 months training will be given a priority.
- At least two years of experience having worked as a psychosocial counsellor, preferably with the GBV survivors.
- Must be highly motivated to work in multi-cultural/ contextual, and challenging situations, and is expected to have strong leadership and coordination/ communication skills.
- Must have basic computer skills—MS Word, Excel, PPT, familiar with e-mail correspondence.
- The candidate should be knowledgeable in writing a report in English and Nepali languages, and is expected to have a learning attitude, and also that two wheelers will be in the priority.
Salaries and benefits: As per the project agreement between the UNFPA and CMC-Nepal
Candidates particularly from disadvantaged and socially excluded/marginalized groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process. All the rights for recruitment, selection and cancelation (if required) of this recruitment are reserved by CMC Nepal.
Interested candidates meeting the above requirements are requested to send their application with an updated CV to the following address not later than April 25, 2024
Executive Director
PO Box Number 5295
Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: vacancy.cmcnepal@gmail.com, Website: www.cmcnepal.org.np